Kore yapımı, Al Pacino'nun Scarface'ine benzettim ben çoğu sahnede. Hikaye Pulp Fiction'a, giysiler ve tavır biraz Reservoir Dogs'a, sonu ise Scarface'e benzemiş :) Tabii intikam konusu da Oldboy'dan ilham alınmış.

Filmin başında ve sonunda geçen iki hikaye (filmi izleyecekseniz okumayın):


One fine spring day a disciple looked at some branches blowing in the wind. He asked his master

- "Master, are the branches moving or is it the wind?"

Not even glancing to where his pupil was pointing the master smiled and said...

- "That which moves is neither the branches nor the wind, it's your heart and mind."


One late autumn night,
the disciple woke up crying. So the master asked the disciple...

- "Did you have a nightmare?"

- "No."

- "Did you have a sad dream?"

No," said the disciple. "I had a sweet dream."

"Then why are you crying so sadly?" asked the master.

The disciple answered quietly, while wiping his tears...

- "Because the dream I had can't come true."


Burdaki ilkbahar ve sonbahar göndermelerine dikkatinizi çekerim. Filmde daha bir anlam kazanıyor. Sonuç olarak izlenebilinecek bir film. IMDB Puanı: 7.6, Tayfun'un puanı: 7.5.